Red One Locksmith in Baldwin

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Why you might need to rekey your locks?

Lock rekey is a valuable service, probably the most common one offered by professional locksmiths, mainly for those who lost their keys but also for anyone who needs their locks changed but is looking for a cheaper solution.

The procedure involves changing the pins and springs inside an existing lock so that the existing key will not open the lock preventing unauthorized access from anyone who has your old key.

Clear and obvious reasons why you should rekey your locks

One of the main reasons to rekey locks is when people move into a new home. Lock rekey is also important when tenancy agreements change like when you’re roommate move out and don’t wants to return his keys it is the best solution for gaining back security. The cost depends on the type of locks and how many new keys are need to be made.

Can I rekey my locks?

Lock rekey is a delicate process that require not only the knowledge but also special tools and it is not recommended for a DIY. Hiring a locksmith to rekey your locks is the best option and also the most reliable way to get it done right.

How much it cost to rekey locks?

Lock rekey typically ranges from $20 to $50 per lock, replacing locks means buying new ones and installing them which can definitely cost a lot more. If your locks are in a good working condition than rekey is absolutely the cheaper option.

How long does it take to rekey a lock?

Typically it takes about 10 to 15 minutes for a professional locksmith to rekey a lock, but the exact time can change depending on the type of lock and its security level meaning how many pins it has.

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